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        Plastic is present in all aspects of our daily lives.
Advances in the thermoplastics industry have resulted in resilient, versatile, recyclable and cost-effective solutions for consumer and enterprise users.
        Concern for the environment unites people in a shared effort to apply emerging technologies, in the plastics industry, to extend material service life and reduce waste. These actions benefit all.
        The circular economy unites consumer and enterprise on a common mission: care for the environment.
        Greencolor stands out in the recycling segment for providing revalued raw material for industries that seek to optimize their production, combined with environmental preservation.
        Be part of this coordinated and integrated solution, which involves all of us, from industry to consumer.

Influence the achievement

of this great challenge.

Keep nature in mind.

Be green!

Âncora 1


Your source for recycled resins!

The Company

Greencolor is the result of more than 60 years of pioneering in thermoplastic resins, continuously improving the commercialization of virgin and recycled resins.


Greencolor Thermoplastics was formed in 2020 with the purpose of providing quality recycled resins that meet industrial needs.


Since 1958 we have been operating in this segment utilizing a differentiated business model, whose main focus is to bring value add solutions to our customers.


We maintain a network of relationships with approved suppliers to provide the manufacturing industry with quality recycled

raw materials, in the desired quantity and with agility in delivery.


We believe that a professional relationship begins and is maintained whenever the parties clarify their real objectives and combine skills to achieve mutual results.

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Greencolor Focus of Operation




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Analisando os Números

Continuous  Improvement

Greencolor Key Differentiators

Since 1958, integrating technical experience and knowledge of management and processes in the industrialization and commercialization of virgin resins, recycled resins, additives, compounds, blends and colorimetry.





of the Customer

On Time Delivery

Main Segments



White Material



Footwear Industry

Domestic Items

Segmentos de Atuação

Raw Materials

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PS - Polystyrene

Gray, Black and White

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PP - Polypropylene

Black and Gray

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Gray, Black and White

Laboratory Tests: Fluidity Index, Izod Impact and Load Content. 

ASTM standard.


Recyclables management:


Granulation and grinding, aiming for reuse in the processing of new products.

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Other resins, on request!


Greencolor Contact

+55 11 99288-3255 / +55 11 99141-6231

Rua General Almério de Moura 780

Cep 05690-080 São Paulo SP Brazil

We appreciate your message!

© 2024 Greencolor - All rights reserved

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